Saturday, September 05, 2009

I cant understand women and I never will because :

I cant understand women and I never will because :
  • When they shout or scream, its speaking their heart out, but when you raise your voice even a little bit, you are rude !
  • They call you a spendthrift when you spend on movies and gadgets, but they don’t mind spending a fortune on all those expensive one-time clothes.
  • They can speak to unknown guys and it is called socializing; but you are a flirt even if you speak to girls whom you already know.
  • They ‘interrogate’ you when their call ends up in call waiting. But they brand you as a jerk when you question them back at a similar situation.
  • They would want you to cancel all your plans with your friends to spend time with them, but the moment you ask them to cancel any of their similar plans, you are dead meat !
  • They could send corny SMS’ or mails, but when you send them, you would have to have answer a lot of their questions –“Who, from where, why, when” and even “how” !!
  • When it comes to husbands salary, it is ‘family-money’, but when it comes to their own salary, its ‘my-own-hard-earned-money’ !
  • They hit you on your head when you check out other girls! But they can drool over a guy, right in front of you, and that is admiring fashion it seems.
  • They expect you to like all their male friends, but they find it difficult to accept even one female friend of yours.
  • They can tease or tickle you however they can and it is supposed to be their idea of having fun; when you do the same to them, its called harassment.

1 comment:

HaRy!! said...

sema points!! kumudham and ananda vikatan send panungo!